Individual Consultations - Selected Topics
(Estimated coaching times based on one-to-one sessions)

The Art and Practice of Effective Feedback
Develop feedback tools to improve your team’s results. Support your people with the guidance they need and in ways they really value, while at the same time making sure they work towards reaching your goals. Learn how to avoid giving advice that is inconsequential, irrelevant or even resented – forever!
6-8 hours, 3-4 sessions

Managing Difficult People
Every manager has people on their team who are ‘difficult’. Most often, these people only pose a problem because the manager hasn’t yet figured out what makes them tick. Discover steps to elicit the best possible performance from these differently wired individuals.
6-8 hours, 3-4 sessions

When Cultures Meet: The Art and Practice of Working with Intercultural Teams
All teams contain members with different professional and personal backgrounds. Multinational, multilingual teams face their own distinct challenges. Develop strategies to work effectively with your diverse team.
6-8 hours, 3-4 sessions

Becoming a Great Listener
Listening skills are today crucial for a growing number of professionals. Good listening is an undervalued but demanding skill - especially for quick thinkers who can lose interest when they’re not challenged. Take the time to hone your listening skills - and experience the difference this makes.
4-8 hours, 2-4 sessions

Better Delegation, Less Stress
Delegating work can seem impossible when you are a perfectionist – or believe you are surrounded by incompetent people. Learning how to manage your workload will lower your stress levels without compromising standards.
8-12 hours, 4-6 sessions

Making Flexibility Your Key Skill
Tired of change? Struggling to motivate yourself for another wave of changes? This is a real weakness in today’s front line – where the shelf life of every programme, technology, and tool is constantly decreasing. Uncover new ways to accept and profit from an ever-changing world instead of fighting against the tide.
8-12 hours, 4-6 sessions

HR Services

Reaping Optimum Rewards from Training Programmes
Complementary individual sessions offer preparation and follow-up support for your company’s training programmes. Sessions reinforce your training goals and focus on the often neglected area of personal development plans.
4-6 hours, 2-3 sessions

360° Follow-up Coaching + Action Planning
Feedback tools provide valuable information to those who listen - but many people remain suspicious of feedback. Close communication gaps in the workplace and help individuals discover the personal benefits of working with feedback rather than fighting it.
4-6 hours, 2-3 sessions

Open Sessions / Group Sessions

Managing for Results
Reappraise and improve your attitudes as a leader to increase your impact within your organisation. These sessions are aimed at top managers who are willing to revisit their mindsets and approaches to leadership and their people. Using guided personal reflection and extensive peer and coach feedback, sessions focus on pinpointing your current goals and blindspots and analysing better tools for organisational change, as well as latest organisational and communication theory. Participants are drawn from very diverse backgrounds and industries to maximize group insights and motivation. They may attend peer coaching sessions after the course.
8 days spread over 5-6 months

Executive Away Days
Two-day time out sessions, including motivating, relaxing, introspective, and fun activities for top managers and professionals. Held in a castle in Bohemia in May, early July, and late August. For more details, please ask for a copy of our full brochure.


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